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发布时间:2021-10-25 10:12:13 点击量:313


Cattle are the earliest animals of human beings. For example, there are cattle images in Lasco murals in France and Altamira mountain stream rock paintings in Spain. The positive image of cattle has been widely recognized internationally. Choosing the most familiar animal image as the mascot of the Paralympic Games is different from the traditional idea of selecting rare animals, which is innovative.


奋斗牛雕塑的定义: 是利用机械和手工将石头加工成拓荒牛石雕崛起牛,猛牛劲牛,美国华尔街牛,幸运牛,牧童牛,水牛等工艺品。

The definition of struggling cattle sculpture: it is to use machinery and hand to process stones into pioneering cattle, stone carving rising cattle, fierce cattle, strong cattle, American Wall Street cattle, lucky cattle, shepherd boy cattle, buffalo and other handicrafts.


牛,扎扎实实、勤勤恳恳、坚韧不拔、永不言败。牛的良好形象蕴含着人们自强不息和顽强拼搏的精神,与中华民族奋发向上的品格以及当代社会创业、共享” 的理念相契合。牛,朴实、乐观、勤奋,体现了一种积极的生活态度。

Niu, down-to-earth, diligent, tenacious and never give up. The good image of Niu contains people's spirit of continuous self-improvement and tenacious struggle, which is consistent with the character of the Chinese nation and the concept of "entrepreneurship and sharing" in contemporary society. Niu, simple, optimistic and diligent, embodies a positive attitude towards life.



Cattle is one of the animals closest to human beings. It is friendly, loyal and full of affinity. In the long river of world civilization, pastoral songs are people's longing and praise for a harmonious life. The image of cattle widely appears in the natural, soothing and poetic pastoral life depicted in literary and artistic works, reflecting people's vision and hope for the harmonious coexistence between man and nature. In addition, in Chinese traditional culture, cattle also pray for good weather, abundant grain, peace and harmony.

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