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发布时间:2021-07-27 11:18:20 点击量:341


Cow in our country has always been a diligent symbol, has a very important position in our country. Cow is a kind of auspicious auspicious beast in geomantic study, we often put copper bull, hope to bring blessing to us, be helpful to the career, prosperous move make money. Bronze bull has a very good effect of bringing wealth.



For some people who do part-time jobs in their spare time, the benefit of the bronze bull is very obvious. Bronze bull can be placed on the desk, can also be placed in the bookshelf, of course, can also be in their often used drawer collection. Business business people are in the house put this put, put in feng shui wealth star place has prosperous wealth evil spirit, pray for luck.



Cattle in China's agriculture has a wide range of applications, so in China's rural areas, cattle also represents the good weather, wealth and peace. The worship of the cow in eastern and western culture is so similar that modern people have to believe it. Cow, namely the meaning of cow gas, is the spirit of wealth, the role of the cow is mainly prosperous wealth, to do business the most auspicious.



The cow has a domicness, a kind of toughness, do partial wealth business people, with the cow is the most ideal wealth. Please put a bronze bull in the shop, fortune and recruit customers, help your business is booming, bonanza rolling in. Put a bull in the home and hope the family is happy, money rolling in. There is some in the stock, real estate, finance, finance and other people must be the treasure of wealth.

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